Search Not Just Numbers

Thursday 5 August 2010

Rules for creating a great spreadsheet

Found a great list of rules for creating better spreadsheets on Chandoo's blog, you can even download a free poster with the 12 rules on it.

One item I would add to this list is my OAP rule, which I have elaborated on in an earlier post.

You can see the original 12 rules by clicking the link below:

12 Rules for Making Better Spreadsheets

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Please let me know what you think of the new look

It's been a busy month here and I have neglected my blog posting duties, however I am now starting to get back on track, starting with a brand new look.

I have tried to stop the blog looking as busy as it did, as well as making it clearer what services I can offer readers - they are all now available in one box at the top left of the new layout.

I would really appreciate any comments below (good and bad) on the new look.

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